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HRMS Software “Management, Control & Motivation for Workforce”


HRMS Software

“Management, Control & Motivation for Workforce”

The Importance of New Technologies in Human Resource Management


Human capital is one of the main values ​​of any company, so its management and organization is also vital. Selecting the best employees for each position, enhancing talent, establishing efficient work shifts, streamlining work procedures or requests and, in general, having a satisfied and motivated staff is today one of the fundamental pillars of all organizations.

Thanks to new technologies, today it is much easier to both bet on the development of your employees, and provide them with an online communication channel where they can centralize all their work information, such as controlling their efficiency, hours worked and training.

Computer programs that calculate salaries, automate shifts based on multiple variables, establish selection filters and, together with sensors, web portals or digitized cards, control records, locations and communicate with the HR department. In addition, with the advantages of cloud computing, many of these programs are in the cloud and have mobile applications and online access.

Human Resources software is a computer application that allows to record, store, centralize and relate all the information of the employees of a company, be it their day, schedule, contract, vacations, leave, absences, etc. and link it to your payroll or training needs.

In addition, it provides the manager or HR manager with tools that automate work shifts, salary calculations, notices and notifications, requests or any of their daily activities.


Functionalities, applications and types of Human Resources Management (HRMS) software


Human Resources software can be  a global solution that covers all the personnel management requirements of a company (and contains many of the functions that we are going to see below), or it can be a specific program for one or more applications.


With an HR program we can:

·         Manage workers' payroll in an automated way.

·         Register the schedules of the employees according to the law, facilitate methods to register and control overtime.

·         Control absences and arrange employee vacations , facilitating the distribution of work with available employees.

·         Know the rate of absences and measure performance to calculate staff profitability.

·         Manage work shifts and company staff turnover.

·         Manage the recruitment of talent and selection of candidates .

·         Improve the professional skills of the staff through training software .

·         Allow workers to access their personal information, check their payroll or make vacation requests through an Employee Portal .

·         Keep the database of workers and collaborators updated.

·         Guarantee the safety of your workers and prevention of occupational risks

10 advantages of having Human Resources Management (HRMS) software

·         Increase the productivity and efficiency of your Human Resources department and your employees.

·         Measure the productivity and performance of your workers in an automated way and identify strengths or lack of performance.

·         Have adequate information to facilitate the decision-making of the personnel department.

·         Obtain data and perform a complete analysis to detect opportunities for improvement in the human resources area.

·         Automate most HR activities  and procedures   to increase productivity.

·         Reduce personnel and administrative management expenses of your company considerably, since self-management by employees is facilitated.

·         Improve communication between the human resources area and the rest of the departments.

·         Align the objectives of the company with the objectives of the collaborators.

·         Increase the motivation of employees and their relationship with the company.

·         Maximize the development of business talent.

Guide to optimize the planning and management of human resources with HRMS software


Key aspects of Human Resources Software that will help you improve management in your company:

What are the objectives of your company? Answering this question is essential both to manage staff and to start any project in your company. Uniting the objectives of the human resources area with those of the company is of vital importance. With HR software you can  plan all operate s about achieving those goals.


Data privacy is an essential factor for any organization. To guarantee the security of the company's confidential information, it is recommended to assign different profiles and access levels for each of the program's users. In this way, each user will have permission to access certain data, depending on the role they play within the company.


You will be able to control the payroll of your workers in a much more agile way and reduce errors, or keep an absolute control of the hours of your workers, know their vacations and sick leave to anticipate any unforeseen event, etc.


Another essential aspect in human resource management is to properly train team members so that they have the knowledge required by the company. With a program of this type you will be able to plan training courses to improve the professional skills of your company staff. In addition, investing in staff training will increase their motivation and link with the organization.


The selection of personnel or recruitment is one of the biggest headaches for companies, since it involves a great effort and a considerable investment of time. However, with a computer system this process will be much more agile and effective, since you will be able to manage the interviews and keep track of the possible candidates for each vacancy in a simple way.


A management tool provides information about the evolution of your employees, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. This data is essential to analyze and evaluate the performance of your workers and the time they dedicate to each of the tasks. In this way you will be able to calculate the real cost of their work and know which employees are the most productive, to facilitate decision making.


By having all the relevant information in one place, you won't waste hours looking for documents and you can share files with the rest of the team to work together. In addition, the worker will have a direct channel of communication with management through the employee portal . In this way, communication in your company will be much more fluid and the performance of your employees will increase.

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