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How To Prepare Employees For The Digital Transformation Of The Company?


How To Prepare Employees For The Digital Transformation Of The Company?



The DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is not just a matter of technology (as many believe), but it is mainly an approach focused on people because it involves new ways of thinking, acting, designing strategies, make decisions and take leadership taking advantage of the availability of technologies. It is true that the current context of the information and knowledge society in which we are living requires continuous adaptation to the changes that affect all facets of our lives (work, home, leisure, etc.). In this line, the constant progress and advances of digital technology are improving business management relying on artificial intelligence, algorithms, Big Data, connected robotics (also known as the Internet of Things or Internet of Things -IoT ), cybersecurity, etc

. Many experts already define it as the "Fourth industrial revolution" (Industry 4.0) and digital transformation is the way to this new revolution or Industry 4.0. That requires the redefinition or adaptation of an organization or a company through the use of technologies to improve the way in which it organizes its operation, manages the tasks to be carried out, produces and distributes products or services to customers or society as a whole.

For companies, this digital transformation implies properly understanding the new rules of the business world, and adapting to a constantly changing market, providing original or innovative solutions in both products and services. In this new paradigm, it is not simply a matter of changing or substituting a physical process for a more virtual one, or the exchange of atoms for bits.

 It's actually about putting people at the center of the business, using all resources (including technologies) to offer them better products and services. True digital transformation begins within the company, with an internal transformation that involves all employees.

People, key to the digital transformation of the company.

Darwin's natural selection raises the idea of ​​"survival of the fittest." In his book "The Origin of Species ", he stated "Nothing is easier than admitting by word of mouth the truth of the universal struggle for life, nor more difficult, at least that is how it seems to me, than to always keep this conclusion in mind. I am convinced that if one is not totally taxed in thought, the whole of the economy of nature, with all its facts of distribution, rarity, abundance, extinction and variation, will be seen in a dark way or will be totally misunderstood "Darwin (1859). This principle also applies in the current context of digital transformation as only companies that are best suited to digital transformation will remain competitive, perform well and survive over time. People hold the key to the adaptation, transformation and survival of companies.

 For this, human capital is essential because people are the transforming axis of changes in any organization. It is necessary to change the mentality of people to transform the company because digital transformation introduces the organization into a culture of innovation, permanent reinvention, acceptance of permanent changes and a logic of growth and development focused on the needs of people (clients, citizens,

Companies that are not capable of having a talent prepared for digital transformation will not be able to survive or compete in the market due to “digital Darwinism”. This (digital Darwinism) consists of the disappearance through "natural selection" of all those companies that are not capable of adapting to digital evolution or to the rhythm of technological evolution. As in Darwin's theory of evolution, only the best companies and those most adapted to this transformation survive. Obviously this "digital Darwinism" affects all companies regardless of their size, sector of activity, location or location, etc.

How to get all employees to participate when the digital transformation process begins in the company?

The digital transformation of the company is a collective task in which all members of the organization and all departments without exception must actively participate, starting with the management itself.

1. Establish the starting point or Starting point.
Buying new IT equipment for the company is fine, but it is not enough for the digital transformation. It is important to create a map of the situation of your company in the face of digital transformation. It is about knowing where your company is in relation to the use of technology to improve processes. In addition, it is necessary to know how your main competitors and companies in the sector are positioning themselves in the face of digital transformation. We must not lose sight of the fact that, after all, digital transformation means taking advantage of the opportunities that arise due to the development of technologies. For this reason, this starting point must be based on the different departments of the company (IT, Marketing and Human Resources, Administration and Finance, etc.).

2. Define a Roadmap for transformation.
The company needs to have its own roadmap or strategic plan on digital transformation. Once the company's position is known, a work plan must be defined that includes the company's short, medium and long-term strategies for digital transformation.

3. Develop a common culture for digital transformation.
You have to create a culture and collective awareness of digital transformation in the company. Employees have to perceive that the company is already "underway" for its digital transformation. This is achieved through awareness-raising, training, experience sharing, case analysis, etc.

4. Make digital transformation a Priority.
Make digital transformation a priority or one of the main priorities of the company; that means investment in time and resources. The key to success of any change initiative lies in the active involvement of the Directorate or Top management that must adopt the strategies, dedicate the necessary resources, mobilize all the personnel and create the culture that transforms.

5. Develop digital leadership in the company through training throughout life.
Lifelong learning allows you to update knowledge and acquire skills, in addition to knowing the new concepts or terminology that is being generated. Likewise, organizational changes tend to produce “resistance to change” to a lesser and greater extent. That's why you have to rely on receptive employees to become leaders in this transformation. Employees who are perceived as leaders will contribute to generating the “multiplier effect” so that all workers are involved and overcome any possible resistance to change.

6. Train employees on issues related to digital transformation based on the strategies defined in the company's roadmap.
Employee training is extremely necessary for employees not only to acquire specific concepts but also to find the applicability of technological advances to their tasks or jobs. In addition, the training must influence those aspects that can arouse the interest and the necessary motivation so that the use of technologies in the position is recognized as something relevant to the tasks.

7. Seek new alliances with companies or partners that can help the company achieve its digital transformation goals.
The first alliance that the company must establish is with the workers because we must not lose sight of the fact that the digital transformation begins from within the company itself; each worker must “agree” on this transformation and become aware of this new paradigm. In addition, alliances or relationships with other companies also play a determining role in consolidating the company's efforts towards digital transformation.

8. Share experiences between workers and between departments.
In addition to training, experiences must be shared between employees, and between different departments. In this way, they are able to generate important know-how for the company. This should promote strategies so that the sharing of experiences is part of the company's culture through seminars, workshops, talks-conferences, congresses, conventions, etc. They are the shared experiences that turn companies into learning organizations (or organizations that learn).

9. Develop the capacity for anticipation.
Only companies that have a "vision" for business are able to anticipate and take a step further than their rivals or competitors. Knowing how to anticipate creates competitive capacity. Competitive and successful companies are those that have high-performance groups that periodically brainstorm (or brainstorm) to analyze and seek new ideas, new strategies, new business models in the face of the changes that come in the future.

10. Know the scope of digital transformation for each position and reward participation.
The digital transformation of the company begins with the changes implemented in each of the positions. The accompaniment, motivation and manifest interest generated by the Management for the transformation of each position is extremely important. In addition, some reward system or motivational elements could also be included.

In short, "Digital Darwinism “It is the main threat of disappearance through "natural selection" faced by companies that are not preparing for the Digital Age. So that this does not happen, the role of the human resources management department in talent management for transformation is key. Together with all the company's Departments and with the collaboration of all employees, the Human Resources Department helps the Management to achieve this desired digital transformation through the different concrete actions from the evaluation of the starting situation to the implementation of the strategy of the company through training, motivation, implementation of the personalized strategy of the transformation of the position, etc.

 The Human Resources Departments are taking a very active role because digital transformation is above all a matter of talent development, strategies and leadership that is supported by technology. These (technologies) make it possible to design or implement other business models, new ways of creating value, and new ways of relating to customers, suppliers and society as a whole.


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