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Problems solved By Human Resources Management Software


Problems solved 


Human Resources Management Software

Yes, this is all very good and very promising. But how does Human Resources Management software affect a company, in practice? Next we touch on all the problems that this type of solution solves.

Document management and digital signature

With document management software you will be able to store all the documents of your company in a single centralized and safer place; more secure because you can decide what is public, what is private, what needs access permission and which users have unique access. This also means that you will have unlimited space; you will not depend on a drawer with folders or a filing cabinet. The office of the head of Human Resources can become a simple computer, with the facilities that this entails.

With this type of solution you will also have assistance in payroll management, and incidents that occur in these can be processed more easily. And you can use the electronic signature to streamline any management related to contracts or other documents from wherever you want!

Employee time control

You will want to comply with the Time Control Law, with a method that is valid for possible work inspections. Signing software will allow your employees to register their days, perhaps in different ways; you will have to choose the one that best suits the needs of your company. This type of solution also reduces absenteeism and helps regulate overtime.

In Spain, for example, the use of Human Resources Management Software is very necessary precisely because the time control of workers is mandatory. And not just any method works; in principle this should be one that does not allow anyone other than the worker to edit the entry and exit times. With software that includes permissions and access per single user, you can make sure you follow the regulations strictly without the risk of incurring fines and penalties for a bad transfer.


Absence control and team calendar

Can you imagine easily seeing the upcoming absences of your employees and being able to organize their shifts more efficiently?

With software that takes care of this aspect, you will be able to have this information always updated and available to consult it; You will know the days of vacation that each worker has left, the vacations used… you can even create personalized absences depending on the solution you choose!

With this data, you will have the possibility to better manage the teams and the vacation policies you want. No more sweating in the periods before the staff holidays.

Recruitment and selection of new talent

If you want an attractive job portal that attracts the attention of the most prepared professionals, you need ATS software. Create job offers, keep track of candidates and forget about manually filtering resumes.

Once this is done, Human Resources Management Software will also allow you to carry out an automated reception plan that improves the satisfaction of your employees and facilitates the process.

Performance or productivity evaluation

If you measure the productivity of your employees and the results of their tasks, you can adjust your strategies and see where you can help them.

Choose the type of performance review that you think will work best and apply it. Then create reports and analyze the information. This is especially important if your company is working and you have no other way to measure the performance of your workers! Do not be left with the feeling of not knowing what is happening with your employees.

Data collection and analysis

When all the information of your company is in the same place, it is very easy to extract reports that help you make decisions based on qualitative data.

If you have to carry out processes such as the end of the year, for example, having all the information collected will also be of great help to save time.

Employee portal

That the employee has access to the information they need also takes work off your mind; Instead of asking you, it will go directly to the program. For him this will also be a positive thing; everything you have to do related to the Human Resources of the company will be much faster and it will not rob you of time that you can spend on your tasks.

Shift management

Office shift management has a lot to do with time control, but not all software that offers tools for time control cover this other need.

With the arrival of Covid-19 and the problem of sending staff to the offices, a new problem has arisen; the need to organize workers to attend their jobs safely, in shifts and in teams. Do you want to have a good planning of these shifts? Do you want all your teams to know when they have to go to the office? Want to know who will be at your desk when? You need software for shift management.

Expense management

Can you imagine having control of all the expenses of your company and employees? And being able to approve and reject those expenses and plan budgets?

With expense management software you will have complete transparency with any transaction that is made on behalf of the company or for it.


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