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Human Recourse Management Solutions (HRMS) For Advanced Human Resources


Human Recourse Management Solutions (HRMS) For

 Advanced Human Resources

The HR department works in conjunction with other departments to make the MIS. HR is used appropriately and in order to make the organizational tasks more effective, the effective  management  of " human capital " becomes a necessary operation for human resources professionals  , just as it is important to do a prior study, it is Similarly important an  analysis  of the aspects that concern the development of the  organization  VRS  administration  of the organization and then the implementation of the SIRH and its  development .

Rh is an area in charge of collecting the data of each worker regarding their history and personal characteristics, their  skills  and abilities, even the most accessible data such as their  salaries  and their work in  the company . The quantification of this data and the systematization for its treatment allows its subsequent handling by   automated systems, reducing the manual treatment   of operations, a costly source of errors.

The strategy  of companies in  terms  of  Human Resources is fundamental   since it tells us where the actions  of the companies are directed  . A good strategy provides  equity  internal, external equity, system  administration  salary, a system of  evaluation of performance , variable compensation system, skills development, etc.

The Human Resources task is not simple and implies the implementation of objective systems   that help us to have a good administration of our   human capital . In other words, transform this data into coordination mechanisms   and  strategies  for future organizational development, reducing   operating expenses , and streamlining  processes  within  organizations .


Examples of using HRMS


The model  of  payroll  automates the management of the salary data gathering worker about their work, attendance, calculating deductions and taxes , the quotation social and periodically generating the payment order. It also allows the generation of data and statistics for all personnel related to this data. Sophisticated systems can establish accounts payable transactions,   employee deduction or produce checks. The payroll module sends the information to the Book of accounting general.

Management   of Works benefits 

The work benefits management module allows evaluating the  time / work information of each employee. The analysis of the data allows a better  distribution  of work. This module is a key ingredient in establishing organizational cost accounting capabilities.

Management of social benefits

The module for the management of social benefits allows human resources professionals to better manage social benefits, compulsory or not, such as  health insurance  ,  accident insurance  , or supplementary pension systems.

Human resources management

The human resources management module covers other aspects of HR, includes fewer legal peculiarities and is more focused on a  management policy . The system records data on  management ,  selection , training and development, skills, skills management and other related activities. Personal data (age, address, family ...), skills and titles, training courses, salary levels , and the  registration  of data from the curriculum vitae are managed here  .

Productivity indicators

To evaluate the  productivity  of each employee, it is necessary to quantify the time and activities that generate positive results within the organization.

This becomes very complicated especially in service companies   where  intangible goods are produced  . In these cases it is necessary to "measure" the activities of each of the employees, separate the "Productive" activities (Those that are directly related to the  company ) from the "Personal" (Those that have no direct relationship with the company). In this way, it is possible to quantify the   real cost ( man hours  ) that it takes for each of them to carry out their tasks, as well as the  tools  they use to achieve the objectives.


The proper use of a system with such characteristics has the following fundamental advantages:

·         Comprehensive management of the company's personnel, emphasizing aspects of effectiveness, efficiency and profitability.

·         A greater commitment and motivation of the staff to the extent that they know how important their person and their role are in the operation of the company.

·        A permanent update of everything related to the management of the company's human resources, with computer support and minimizing printed material as much as possible.

·         This rich tool can present limitations, and therefore not achieve its goals, if mistakes such as those mentioned below are made:

·         Little communication with Human Resources Management Software.

·         Unclear goals and objectives.

·         Resolution of wrong problems.

·         Low user involvement.

·         Lack of computer experts.

·         Unrealistic expectations.

·         Lack of flexibility and adaptability.

The  Management software  allows these four segments to be integrated, creating functional connections between these activities in the   computer program . Using the  Internet  or the   corporate intranet as a means of  communication  and file delivery,  technology  can reduce transaction costs, leading to greater   organizational efficiency . Workers or service managers may also have partial access to the system, which allows them, for example, to enter the data that concerns them themselves, such as permit requests and others. Those expensive tasks in time and  money, such as administrative management of staff,  change  of personal data, enrollment in a training course or a   pension plan , can therefore be carried out by the person who is the direct cause of the  action  to be taken. In this way frees managers boring and repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on  issues  of decision-making, strategic or  policy , leading to the  innovation  of the business. 

By way of conclusion, it should be pointed out that the success of Human Resources Management Software depends on the adequate planning of the system, which will require correct communication between users and IT personnel.

SIRH Physical Type 

It is known as the physical data or data  bank  that corroborate the information is slower, all kinds of information are handled in terms of the operational cycle of the  individual  stored in files, Ampos, folders of Physical information  .

Every organization must build on a solid base of information, by itself this information would be nothing, it requires effective processing to shape it; the  management softwares  come to shape it , classify it and give it a future development that data for process development.

The SIRH is an information tool that is used to transform information in the development of future plans, this can achieve great changes when  making  future decisions .

It comes to take part in this  process  since managing the information of the members of the organization accrues a great  responsibility  is not simply storing it or including it, it is processing it in conjunction with other departments to develop future plans.

The HRMS system must be planned and implemented to achieve certain objectives. The achievement of these objectives is what will allow evaluating the effectiveness of the system making it possible for the line organizations to make appropriate decisions regarding people.


The management management software (MIS) is planned to collect, store, and disclose information so that the managers involved can make decisions.


Data are the elements that serve as the basis for solving problems or forming judgments. Each piece of information has little value in itself. However, when they are classified, stored and related to each other, the data allow obtaining information. Information has meaning and intentionality, aspects that differentiate it from data. The set of data stored for later use is called a database.


In the area of ​​HR, the various databases connected to each other allow obtaining and storing data of different layers or levels of complexity.

·         Personal data of each employee, which forms a personnel record.

·         Data on the occupants of each position, which form a position register.

·         Data about the employees of each section, department or division, which form a record of them.

·         Data on wages and salary incentives, which form a record of compensation.

·         Data about benefits and social services, which form a benefit record.

·         Data on candidates (candidate register), training courses and activities (training register), etc.



Data processing is the activity of accumulating, grouping and mixing data to transform it into information or obtain other information, or the same information in another form, to achieve some purpose or objective.

Data processing can be:

Manual: it is carried out manually with tokens, checkbooks, cards, etc. with the help of a typewriter or calculator. 

Semi-automatic:  accounting machines are used. The operator inserts tokens or cards and then the machine performs numerous consecutive operations and programs without operator intervention.

Automatic:  in general it is done by computers.

The data processing system requires inputs (data) to supply outputs (information). The data processing itself includes the classification, storage, retrieval and treatment of the data. As well as the consequent information to make it available to those who need it and require it at the right time (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually), that is, in real time.

HRMS Software

The starting point of an HRMS system is the database. The ultimate goal of HR management software is to provide management with information about personnel. The assembly of HR management software requires analysis and evaluation of the organization or its subsystems and their respective information needs.


Planning a Database Data for Management Management software of the HR department is composed of the following areas:

1.            Recruitment of personnel

2.            Selection

3.            Design, Description and  analysis  of charges

4.            Evaluation of human performance

5.            Compensation

6.            Social benefitsSo

7.            Hygiene and  safety at work

8.            Staff training and development

9.            Labor Relations

10.          Organizational development

11.          HR audit.



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