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Importance of Payroll Management Software under HRMS


Importance of

Payroll Management Software under


The manual and repetitive work we do every month, such as creating payroll, can sometimes lead to oversights and mistakes. Either because we take the previous month's payroll as a model, because someone tells us aloud a change and we do not remember later or simply because we made a mistake with the calculator. To minimize errors that can cause us problems in the future with the Social Security Treasury, we can count on HRMS payroll software.

Next, we will tell you how to manage your payroll efficiently, what you should take into account and tips to avoid making mistakes.

What is and what is a payroll for?

If you work in the Human Resources department of your company, surely you know what a payroll is, but it is always good to refresh the concepts.

The payroll is a document that the company gives each month to its workers and it specifies the salary to collect. However, payroll goes much further; it is an invoice that reflects the relationship that exists between the company and the employee. In addition, we find very important data, such as income tax withholding.

In those cases in which we are a company or a freelancer with workers, we must take special care with the creation of payroll and know all the legal aspects.

How to manage payroll effectively?

In a company, the most common when creating payroll from administration or Human Resources is through two ways, with an Excel sheet or with a program to keep payroll of employees .

Next, we will tell you the two possibilities that you have to create the payroll of your employees, in addition to the pros and cons that you can find:


Surely we all have the Office package installed and use it on numerous occasions, so there is no extra cost for making payroll. However, being a very manual and laborious job , we can spend several hours to manage the payroll incidents of all our workers.

These are the disadvantages to consider:

Low security: although it is true that we can create a password to access an Excel sheet, we cannot be certain who accesses it . Also, if we lose an Excel or delete it by mistake, we will have to recreate everything from scratch.

Differences in work methodologies: either due to staff turnover or because they have not been properly trained, on some occasions the files may show differences between them. This is because a fixed work model has not been followed and resolving small differences can cost the company a significant amount of hours .

Lack of data analysis: as we have seen in the previous point, if we do not have an imposed methodology, it will be difficult to analyze data, draw conclusions or create reports.

Payroll software under HRMS

Do you know that you could save between 5 and 6 hours a week by using a system to manage payroll ? Begin to be more productive by investing your time in tasks that add more value to the company and, when it comes to making payroll, streamline the entire process thanks to digitization.

After looking at all the downsides of using an Excel template, we want to show you why you should choose to use an integrated payroll management system .

·         Guaranteed security: with Human Resources Management software that allows us to create and manage payroll, we can be sure who accesses the information , since we will be the ones who allow access to people.

·         Convenience: having the same program from which to manage all the payroll of your employees will be much easier than handling different Excel sheets.

·         Data protection: your duty from the Human Resources department is to ensure that the privacy of your workers' data is respected. In addition, you must also be up to date on all legal issues that concern your employees. Therefore, payroll software in HRMS can be very useful because it follows the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

·         Visibility and access to information: employees will be able to consult their payroll and documentation at any time in a secure environment.

·         Cost savings: if you calculate the time it takes to create payroll and send it to each worker or deliver it by hand, as happens in some companies, you can cause those hours to generate losses for the company. With an online payroll program you can improve up to 70% the labor management of your processes.

Aspects to take into account before preparing a payroll

Although there are different workers who are dedicated to a function within the company, not all of them have to have the same contracts. There will be people on internships, others with full or partial days, others who may have extra pay if they reach objectives, etc.

Therefore, the way of calculating the salary will be different each time. Next, we are going to see what you have to look for when creating a payroll:

Type of contract

The contract is the document that will show us the dedication that an employee has with the company. It is very different to have an indefinite contract than a fixed-term one and the percentage that is quoted in Social Security will be given by the type of contract . In addition, income tax withholding is also linked to the contract, since it depends on the total salary received.

Employee situation

Depending on the gross salary and the circumstances of each employee, the personal income tax withholding will be different. Whether we have children, as if we are married or single are important aspects that will help us calculate this withholding.

Collective application agreement

All salary supplements would enter here , such as allowances or overtime that the employee will receive.

Extra payments

Each employee can choose the full payment of their salary in full, once, or prorated , in 12 monthly installments. Knowing this information will also be of vital importance to apply income tax.

Professional category and listing group

The agreement to which the company or employee joins will also affect when calculating the Social Security contribution.


If an employee has taken leave from work or maternity or paternity leave , it is also another aspect to consider, as it will influence the payroll.

Most common mistakes in payroll calculation

Sometimes it is not only necessary to pay attention while doing a task, but the way in which we work or how the company operates can cause us to make small mistakes or perform work less efficiently. And this can affect payroll management.

To do this, the best thing will be to have a payroll software that helps us streamline the entire process and with which we feel safe .

Next we are going to see what errors or failures are the most committed when calculating payroll:

Lack of payroll program or work system

There are companies that outsource payroll management; however, many small and medium-sized companies continue to do so internally.

Although the task of creating payroll and sending it to workers is something recurrent, it is a very repetitive activity and, for that reason, it can make us relax and make any mistakes. Furthermore, if the documents pass through different hands, we will not ensure that the same methodology is followed .

We must have everything under control, since a small mistake now can cause a problem in the future with the Social Security Treasury and lead to fines for the company.

Mistakes in calculating workers' benefits

There are different variables that we must take into account when calculating employee benefits: vacations, overtime , trainees, salary increase, nighttime bonus, etc.

There are changes that can occur from one month to another and, on occasions, it is not notified in advance or it is made out loud, without recording the news in any email. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good payroll system to help us minimize errors.

Quick payroll without planning

It is not advisable to leave payroll management for the last days of the month. This can leave little time for us to confirm data and update employee information.

For this reason, we recommend that tasks related to payroll be carried out on the first 20 days of the month: collect information, coordinate new registrations and manage personal income tax and Social Security settlements.

Administrative staff reduction

As we have already mentioned, many small and medium-sized companies carry out the task of managing payroll internally and, either because the company wants to reduce costs or because it is a very small company, sometimes more staff is lacking .

If to this we add that those who are dedicated to payroll management are not always qualified for this task, we will end up having a failure.


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