DATA WIPING- From the Legal Perspective
Data Wiping is very
important, since if both individuals and companies dispose of their old
computing devices without taking measures to prevent unwanted recoveries, they
put their security and confidentiality at risk.
01.- DELETED Why don't we delete them with a simple
disposing of a computer, many people maintain the false idea, that it does not
store any important data in it, or that nobody can be interested or will bother
to check it. Nothing could be further from the truth. The operating
system of our computer equipment –Windows, Linux, OS X- makes us believe that
when we send data or documents to the recycle bin or format the hard drive, the
deletion is permanent. But this is not the case. The space occupied by
these files is available to be reused by others that we store later, but as
long as this does not occur, the information is still stored on the hard
drive. This is due to the fact that most operating systems simply assign
as empty the sectors where the file that we have tried to permanently delete is
located, without actually deleting that information, waiting for it to be
overwritten with new data. What we stop seeing at first glance is still
available if the appropriate means are known to be used for its recovery.
Can it affect us?
companies and Public Administrations are increasingly aware of the importance
of new information and communication technologies -ICT- to manage their
functions and services with full efficiency and effectiveness.
there is no perceived threat looming over their information systems, each day
more complex and with threats that advance at the same speed as technology.
simple act of disposing of a company's desktop computer can allow competitors
or former employees to take advantage of it, even to appropriate confidential
and highly relevant information for the company or customer contact data.
Public Administrations manage millions of personal data and varied information
of citizens in their daily functions, allowing in case of developing a correct
disposal policy, the seizure of all this with a simple recovery procedure.
day we find in the different media, news about information that appears in the
garbage or is on the street. But really when we eliminate our papers we
try to tear them or use a paper shredder, without realizing that when we
dispose of a computer equipment or an electronic device or support, we are
throwing away millions of electronic papers.
the information refers to personal data, there may be sanctions from the Spanish
Agency for Data Protection and even criminal sanctions. But avoiding
damage by preventing is easier than it seems, because discarding equipment due
to a breakdown, to change it for a more current one, because it does not
support certain applications or for any reason, can open the door to our lives,
our business and our bank accounts.
conviction that Information Security should be a priority in companies and
Public Administrations, has to be a reality, which in many cases will require
financial endowments, to the same extent that an organization is concerned
about having a company security and surveillance to prevent access to the
is it?
all know that file deletion is the action we take to eliminate certain
information that is no longer useful or we need, but from a technical
perspective, it would be “the action of a hard disk drive when marking a group
of occupied sectors of the same as free sectors. ”. Common Wiping implies
that the hard drive does not carry out the complete Data Wiping task, but marks
space in use for free space, thus being able to become free space, to be used
by other files that we would like to store in the future.
secure deletion goes further. When you delete a file, this procedure
overwrites a certain combination on it, thus avoiding that if done correctly,
this file can be recovered. This procedure must be done in a certain way
to achieve the goal, because a simple overwriting does not achieve the goal. Is
it really no use simply formatting the computer?
formatting the equipment or device or support that we want, we can see that its
capacity has increased, and the space previously occupied by the files will
appear as free. But the only thing that has been done with the formatting
action is preparing the disk to store more information, keeping all the files
intact so they can be recovered by third parties.
What are the dangers of not performing a secure erase?
generation, storage and flow of information in computer systems today is
constant and is increasing year after year. Many times we are not aware
that we use systems that have previously been used by other people or that our
old or useless systems may be in the hands of others.
it is not strange to acquire or eliminate equipment in companies or Public
Administrations or in our own homes, through the sale of second hand, leasing
or renting contracts, reuse of equipment, donations or a simple restructuring
of areas or of personal. And the vast majority of them without proceeding
to a secure deletion or encrypting their content, so that the new acquirer with
some computer skills, will be able to access and recover what we had stored.
that without taking into account that, the picaresque or bad faith, can make that
information a real gold mine, through extortion, bribery, resale or use for
their own benefit. And they are not rare cases or that are not occurring
every day, for example the BBC chain, denounced a new type of business detected
in Nigeria. The government of this country had sent their old computers to
this country, but what they also sent was the content of all of them, which
were on their hard drives, so the sale of bank details of British customers and
many other information are in the hands of those who knew how to recover data
that had been "formatted" or simply "deleted after being sent to
the recycle bin."
is not the only case. From personal photos, passwords, confidential
documents, banking information, and all the multitude of data that we store, it
can end up in the wrong hands if we do not take the appropriate measures.
Did you delete that file that you didn't want anyone to see? Do you know
that there is a way to get it back? Whether you intentionally or inadvertently
erased a document, without employing a secure erase procedure, it can be
it is necessary to recover information from old equipment, devices or media,
because a breakdown, a virus, an accident, a blow or a power surge have caused
the document or file that we need to be lost. One of the applications of
computer forensics is precisely to examine and recover residual data from
different equipment or media, which have previously been tried to eliminate to
avoid leaving traces.
information that can be recovered from the devices, media and computer
equipment, will be determined by the use that was given to it and by the
process that has been followed to eliminate the data or files. Taking this
into account, IP addresses, email addresses, bank account numbers, passwords,
photographs, documents, reports, videos and all kinds of information that could
have been stored a priori are susceptible to recovery.
recovery is a true science. Its purpose is to attempt to rebuild the file
system so that the data file can be accessed. But the problem is that each
operating system has its own system to index and monitor the files that are
generated and each one of them is especially complex.
must bear in mind that regardless of what the law tells us, any act of loss of
information in an organization or company damages its image and reputation, in
addition to undermining the confidence of the consumer and the client, and may
lead to contract losses. or of high economic or time amounts.
regulations on data protection are very strict regarding the treatment of waste
information and personal data, demanding high levels of security in the
destruction of documents not only with paper support, but also contained in
plastics, microfiches, storage formats. Optical -CD, CD-RW, HD DVD, VMD and
Blue Ray-, video tapes, medical plates, triacetate films and any other storage
medium, USB flash drives, external and internal drives, mobile phones, PDA's, multimedia
containers , etc.
Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data and its development
regulations, Royal Decree 1720/2007, impose a series of mandatory measures on
companies and Public Administrations, to guarantee the security of the personal
data they handle from the citizens. Among these measures, the legislator
has wanted to reflect the problem of the data stored in computer devices and
media regarding the insufficient elimination of the same by the means that are
usually used, the simple Wiping.
4.5 of the Organic Law on Data Protection and 8.6 of the Regulation for the
development of the law provide that the personal data that has been collected
must be canceled, when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which
they were collected, at the time that they will have to be kept for a minimum
period of 3 years, if there is no other law that determines the time in which
liability actions could be carried out where the documents containing the
personal data could be involved.
the legally stipulated time has elapsed, the data must be destroyed -unless
they are disassociated-, by a safe procedure that prevents their reuse or
violates the duty of secrecy of article 10 of the Organic Law on Data
Protection. The legislator has especially wanted to reinforce this measure
of safe disposal of documentation and computer media or equipment, and in such
a way has included it among the measures to be carried out, in article 92 of
the Regulation of development of the law, "Whenever it is going to be
discarded Any document or medium that contains personal data must be destroyed
or erased, through the adoption of measures aimed at preventing access to the
information contained therein or its subsequent recovery. ".
Spanish Data Protection Agency, has imposed many sanctions -ej. PS /
00534/2008 or PS / 00137 / 2010- related to documents or computer equipment
from which the information has been recovered, “should, therefore, adopt the
necessary measures to prevent any subsequent recovery of the information
contained in said documents. . Such measures were not fully adopted in the
present case, as evidenced by the fact that said documentation was found by the
complaining entity, on the public highway, outside the containers and scattered.
National Court has also resolved different appeals from entities sanctioned for
not having correctly eliminated supports or documents; 1182/2001,
1517/2001, 160/2006; ruling in common that “It is not enough, then, with
the adoption of any measure, as they must be those necessary to guarantee those
objectives set by the precept. And, of course, the formal approval of
security measures is not enough, since it is mandatory that they be put in
place and put into practice effectively. (…) They were documents for
internal use that should not be accessed by people outside the organization
chart of… and if they did, it was anomalous, that is,
a company or administration does not comply with the provisions of Article 10 -
duty of secrecy - and 9 of the Law or what is developed in Royal Decree
1720/2007, regarding the disposal of supports or documents, it would be
incurring two offenses typified in Article 44.2 e) or 44.3 g) and 44.2. h)
of Organic Law 15/1999, which may be classified as a serious offense, which
could be sanctioned with a fine that would range from € 60,101.21 to €
–public and private- must have an adequate data processing system and guarantee
full compliance with the measures imposed by law, but in particular they must:
the information and treat it according to its security level.
Ensure compliance with the specific related regulations.
Destroy or erase information according to the medium in which it is found in a
safe way and that prevents its later recovery. Many companies or
Administrations have been of no use, presenting certificates or invoices from
recycling or erasing companies, which provided services to them, but not with
the efficiency imposed by law, because the truth is that the procedures carried
out must ensure the result , not just the mere attempt.
we must be aware that the legal obligation falls on all types of media, where
data can be stored, and from a computer equipment point of view, it includes
Information on hard and removable drives, Information on mobile phones,
Information on PDAs, Information in images, videos and the like.
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