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Necessity of a Secure Data Wipe


Necessity of a Secure Data Wipe

According to projections from The Radicati Group, in 2021 we will be sending 320,000 million emails per day. An immeasurable amount of data. Companies create much more Big Data than before and at an increasingly rapid rate.

According to New Vantage's 2019 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Executives Survey, 91.6% of organizations are investing in Big Data and artificial intelligence. They are doing it to ensure their transformation into agile and competitive companies. When we examine these numbers, the scale of the average company's data footprint can be difficult to grasp.

Nowadays, companies not only have to deal with backup copies to tape and hard drives, but there are also mobile devices, memory cards and now, more than ever, virtualized environments. No matter what kind of data a company produces, it is essential to manage it safely and in compliance with regulations, not only during storage and transit, but also at the end of its useful life.

Everyone should understand the importance of erasing their data. Regardless of whether you want to sell a used Smartphone on eBay or have a company legally obligated to destroy sensitive information, implementing secure data destruction practices can save you and your company from difficult situations like a data breach.

Recent examples of data deletion failures

However, some users and companies show a surprising degree of negligence in this regard. A significant privacy breach occurred in Japan in 2019, when 18 hard drives used by the Kanagawa Prefectural Government to store taxpayer data were auctioned online, rather than destroyed. The hard drives had to be safely destroyed and were instead sold by an employee of a Tokyo recycling company. The total data of the devices sold reached 27 terabytes and contained the names, addresses and records of tax payments of taxpayers. After buying 9 of the hard drives on the Internet, a user contacted the prefectural government to alert about the situation.

In the same year, during a study commissioned by Ontrack in partnership with Data Wiping specialist Blancco, 159 used discs purchased from eBay were analyzed. The results were overwhelming. Residual sensitive data was found in 42% of the units, and 15% of them contained personally identifiable information, such as passport information, birth certificates, university documentation, financial records and photos.

What is the difference between Data Deletion and Data Wiping?

Data Deletion and Data Wiping may look similar, but should not be confused. Deleting data leaves data recoverable, while deleting data is permanent. This is especially important for companies as confusing these terms can lead to significant problems under the terms of the EU GDPR.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the definition of Data Wiping. Most of the problem stems from the various methods available to achieve this, for example, factory reset, formatting and data deletion are some of the methods that are not capable of achieving data sanitization. Despite this, the vast majority of organizations believe that these are the appropriate methods. This causes organizations to generate vulnerabilities to potential data breaches in their own security.

Without adequate data disposal methods, no organization can guarantee the protection of sensitive customer information.

What makes data destruction safe?

As the examples above demonstrate, failing to make the effort to securely erase your data can lead to catastrophic results. Considering that this is an age of increasingly intelligent interconnected technology, it is worth remembering that every byte of electronic information exists in physical form. Regardless of how it appears on the screen, somewhere there is a memory chip or a hard drive board ready to be boarded.

Therefore, both the company and users must keep track of data assets that have reached the end of their useful life, and then destroy them on the site. This may not sound too complex, since anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of technology can know, at least in theory, if not in practice, the concepts of disk formatting or factory reset. If this doesn't happen, they might consider throwing an old laptop in the trash, before risking its unauthorized reuse.

Unfortunately, safe data disposal is not that simple. None of the above methods guarantee that the information stored on those devices is not recoverable; in fact it may only take minutes to recover it with a free data recovery software package.

What's wrong with formatting the hard drive?

A common belief regarding formatting the hard drive is that it completely erases the device. This is not true, as most of the time a format leaves almost all the data intact. Its purpose is to dismantle the existing file system, if one exists, and generate a new one, not to securely and permanently delete sensitive information. The operating system may not be able to read it as usual, but it is still there.

If we make a simple analogy, we can think of a hard drive as a giant library in which the books represent individual files. A quick format is the equivalent of destroying the library catalog. The library may be difficult to navigate without the catalog, but the books are still there. Regarding the retrieval of that information, it requires very little technical knowledge. Anyone can do it with software tools like Ontrack EasyRecovery.

And a factory reset of a mobile device?

Although the process may seem different, performing a factory reset on a Smartphone or any other device with flash memory is the same as formatting a conventional disk, the contents of the chip remain exactly where they were, invisible to the operating system, but nevertheless recoverable.

An Avast study shows the dimensions of the problem. The company purchased 20 used smartphones, with factory reset, from pawn shops around the world. Using existing data recovery software, the company recovered 2,000 personal photos, emails, text messages, bills, and an adult video.

Disturbing studies such as the one mentioned show that as the use of mobile devices increases in the business world, companies must move their secure data destruction practices beyond hard drives and files on tape.

Does physical destruction of devices responsible for Data Wiping?

You've probably seen movies where the characters try to destroy incriminating evidence. They smash a hard drive with a hammer or smash a computer with an ax. It may sound impressive, but destroying the hardware does not guarantee that the data will be irretrievable.

Data can still be recovered from a physically damaged storage device. A recent video from Ontrack amply demonstrates this. Let's think of a steamroller against a Smartphone!

Although it appears to be a failsafe and last resort method, piercing a hard drive with a drill does not guarantee that sensitive information will remain unrecoverable.


Expectations from Good Human Resources Management Software


Expectations from Good

Human Resources Management Software

Now that you are clear about what you want, you will be interested to know what minimums a software for Human Resources that will be useful should include. Here are our tips for choosing the best Human Resources Management Software.

Information storage in the cloud

You may feel more secure with a more "physical" medium, which can only be used on business computers. However, you are interested in giving easy access to the platform from anywhere, especially if you usually have employees who telecommute or if your employees do not always work in the office.

In addition, the possibility of storing all the information in the cloud has a security plus , not only accessibility. And this brings us to the next point.

Security and privacy

A worker's data is a sensitive topic; you know it more than anyone. The program you choose will have to ensure their safety and meet the strictest standards to achieve this.

But not only that; It should also give you the ability to assign permissions to review certain data, so that each employee knows who has access to their information and who does not, as well as having a place where only they can access .

Intuitive employee portal

What good is a solution that cannot be implemented? If the program you choose is difficult for both you and your employees and you spend more time learning how to use it than solving problems and optimizing processes ... is it a good idea?

The objective of this software is to help you in your tasks and also to allow workers to carry out the signing or signing of documents, for example, more quickly. Remember it.

Automatic sync

If we are talking about absence software, these have to be updated automatically when an employee makes any modification. Thus, the information will always be up to date and it will be easier for you to work with it. If this is the case, processes such as onboarding new employees or sending documents can be automated, saving you many hours of work.

In the same way, it has to be integrated with whatever tool you are using in your day to day.

Adapted to current legislation (with updates)

In addition to complying with the data security regulations and the LOPD, you will have to adapt to any law with which you have to work in the workplace. For example, the Law of Time Control if you want to use the software to record the hours of your employees.

Just as important is that the Software evolves as the laws do; you will want your solution to be always adapted to the latest modifications of the different regulations, to make sure that you are doing everything right and you will not have problems with possible work inspections.

How to choose the best Human Resources Management Software

Because there is no "best HR software", but the one that best adapts to the needs of each company. Of course, it is always good to solve the problems that all Human Resources departments share and provide a basis for the company (streamline processes).

But for the rest, how do you know which HRMS software is the best for you? Here are some tips to decide:

·         Know the needs of your HR department. We have already talked about this, but we will comment on it again because it is the most important thing so that the solution you choose has a good Return on Investment or ROI.

·         Take into account the size of your company. And we are not only referring to the number of employees you have now, but to the projection of the business in the short and long term. You don't want to be changing solutions every six months so your employees have to learn tools over and over again.

·         Assess how you want to store the information. Are you interested in having it in the cloud or on a computer where you install the program? We always recommend having it in the cloud, to eliminate the problem of storage space, but only you know what is best in your case.

·         Value the autonomy and mobility of your workers. Will they have to manage things like time control or signing documents outside of the office? Is teleworking an extended work philosophy in your company? There are solutions that completely digitize everything so that workers can carry out their activity remotely and without any problem, others that allow signing from a mobile app.

·         Find a solution that goes further. Don't settle for a tool that solves your problems; get it to help you improve your Human Resources department. There is HRMS Software that allows you to extract reports to make better decisions, for example.


Problems solved By Human Resources Management Software


Problems solved 


Human Resources Management Software

Yes, this is all very good and very promising. But how does Human Resources Management software affect a company, in practice? Next we touch on all the problems that this type of solution solves.

Document management and digital signature

With document management software you will be able to store all the documents of your company in a single centralized and safer place; more secure because you can decide what is public, what is private, what needs access permission and which users have unique access. This also means that you will have unlimited space; you will not depend on a drawer with folders or a filing cabinet. The office of the head of Human Resources can become a simple computer, with the facilities that this entails.

With this type of solution you will also have assistance in payroll management, and incidents that occur in these can be processed more easily. And you can use the electronic signature to streamline any management related to contracts or other documents from wherever you want!

Employee time control

You will want to comply with the Time Control Law, with a method that is valid for possible work inspections. Signing software will allow your employees to register their days, perhaps in different ways; you will have to choose the one that best suits the needs of your company. This type of solution also reduces absenteeism and helps regulate overtime.

In Spain, for example, the use of Human Resources Management Software is very necessary precisely because the time control of workers is mandatory. And not just any method works; in principle this should be one that does not allow anyone other than the worker to edit the entry and exit times. With software that includes permissions and access per single user, you can make sure you follow the regulations strictly without the risk of incurring fines and penalties for a bad transfer.


Absence control and team calendar

Can you imagine easily seeing the upcoming absences of your employees and being able to organize their shifts more efficiently?

With software that takes care of this aspect, you will be able to have this information always updated and available to consult it; You will know the days of vacation that each worker has left, the vacations used… you can even create personalized absences depending on the solution you choose!

With this data, you will have the possibility to better manage the teams and the vacation policies you want. No more sweating in the periods before the staff holidays.

Recruitment and selection of new talent

If you want an attractive job portal that attracts the attention of the most prepared professionals, you need ATS software. Create job offers, keep track of candidates and forget about manually filtering resumes.

Once this is done, Human Resources Management Software will also allow you to carry out an automated reception plan that improves the satisfaction of your employees and facilitates the process.

Performance or productivity evaluation

If you measure the productivity of your employees and the results of their tasks, you can adjust your strategies and see where you can help them.

Choose the type of performance review that you think will work best and apply it. Then create reports and analyze the information. This is especially important if your company is working and you have no other way to measure the performance of your workers! Do not be left with the feeling of not knowing what is happening with your employees.

Data collection and analysis

When all the information of your company is in the same place, it is very easy to extract reports that help you make decisions based on qualitative data.

If you have to carry out processes such as the end of the year, for example, having all the information collected will also be of great help to save time.

Employee portal

That the employee has access to the information they need also takes work off your mind; Instead of asking you, it will go directly to the program. For him this will also be a positive thing; everything you have to do related to the Human Resources of the company will be much faster and it will not rob you of time that you can spend on your tasks.

Shift management

Office shift management has a lot to do with time control, but not all software that offers tools for time control cover this other need.

With the arrival of Covid-19 and the problem of sending staff to the offices, a new problem has arisen; the need to organize workers to attend their jobs safely, in shifts and in teams. Do you want to have a good planning of these shifts? Do you want all your teams to know when they have to go to the office? Want to know who will be at your desk when? You need software for shift management.

Expense management

Can you imagine having control of all the expenses of your company and employees? And being able to approve and reject those expenses and plan budgets?

With expense management software you will have complete transparency with any transaction that is made on behalf of the company or for it.


Advantages of Digitizing Human Resources With HRMS Software


Advantages of

Digitizing Human Resources With

HRMS Software

If you work in the Human Resources department of your company and your hours go by approving vacations, managing payroll, chasing workers to fill out their time control card or sign documents, you are in the right place.

What is Human Resources Management Software?

Human Resources have to carry out many repetitive tasks, such as signing contracts, reviewing candidates for a new position, checking the time record of each worker, balancing vacation calendars, layoffs, reception plans, and if we continue this it would be very long.

Until recently, a HR manager used to be buried under all the paperwork they had to deal with, but new technologies have provided a solution to automate some processes that used to take hours; this is the Software for Human Resources.

Human Resources Management Software “digitizes” and automates the most cumbersome tasks. For what? In addition to saving time, they also aim to avoid human error. They are a program that wants to facilitate the work of those responsible for Human Resources so that they can pay attention to the management of people, not just their payroll or numbers. In addition, it also helps facilitate management between the department and workers, as well as communication.

Don't you think that some of these tasks could be automated? Do you have the feeling of wasting time that you don't spend on things that could radically change the meaning of Human Resources? Digitizing Human Resources is improving them, and here we have a list of advantages to show you:

1. Fewer mistakes

Do you remember that we have been talking about human error? By this we are not only referring to a failure in the time register, confusing a 4 with a 9, or small slips like this. If all the information is clear and can be easily consulted, you can, for example, organize your workers' vacations without overlapping with each other.

2. Greater security

Protecting all your employees' sensitive information with a key or a lock is the least secure in the world; times have changed and now you have the possibility to improve your system. When the data is hosted in the cloud and encrypted, you can provide unique users and permissions so that each employee can only access their documents (and this will also save you time, you will not have to look for them physically).

3. Transparency and better employee experience

Both for the Human Resources department and for the workers and a possible Labor and Social Security Inspection. Have full control of all the information that is created; know when it was created and where to find it. If it is an intuitive program, it will also improve the experience that your employee will have; you can easily access all the information that has to do with it.

4. Always up-to-date information

With just a few clicks you can send documents and ask your employees to sign them, as well as make any changes to the information you have entered in the program. Taking into account that a Software for Human Resources reduces the administrative role, updating data will take much less time , so you can do it faster (that if the change is not automatic).

5. Immediate availability of any document

No more spending an hour looking for a piece of paper that "you don't know where they put it." In a few seconds you will have the document you need at hand.

6. Better organization of the company

With the information more organized, clearer and available to everyone, the organization of the company improves, as well as internal communication. With a Human Resources Management Software that, for example, has a company organization chart, all employees will know who to contact if they want to work with a team or make a query about a specific process. Furthermore, with the possibility of assigning permissions to supervisors, the chain of command will also be much more defined.

7. Monitoring and follow-up of processes

This has to do with transparency and the ability to access all the data that is needed. When you have the information in the palm of your hand, it is very easy to detect possible errors in time, as well as analyze the data, make reports and draw more meaningful conclusions.

And all this can be summarized in two concepts; time saving and efficiency. This inevitably leads us to an improvement in productivity, starting with the Human Resources departments and ending with the rest of the workers in general.


Digital HR Trends & HRMS Software 2021: Analysis of 12 Articles


Digital HR Trends & HRMS Software 2021: Analysis of 12 Articles

Little by little, the Christmas holidays are approaching and forecasts are emerging on the trends that will characterize the HR sector in 2021.

To clarify a bit with all the amount of articles there are, we have analyzed the trends predicted by 12 articles of great authority, preparing a ranking of the most outstanding. For each trend we have indicated in parentheses how many articles have cited it.

Top 18 HR Trends for 2021

1.    AI and automation: The year 2021, at least in the United States, will surely be the year of the consecration of artificial intelligence applied to human resource management. Until now it has been applied mainly in the personnel selection sector, but AI will also be well present in other HR processes, automating activities with little added value and speeding up decision-making processes.

2.    The role of HR is changing, increasingly strategic and specialized: The HR department of the future, by not having to deal with many repetitive tasks, will be able to focus more and more on strategy and become a partner for management. Specialization will increase and competencies will be renewed (we are thinking of HR Analytics), which will lead to the progressive disappearance of the HR Generalist figure.

3.    Flexibility and organization: Flexibility is a paradigm that will be applied to any company, not only in the way of working - with an increasing use of teleworking and smart working - but also at the level of the organization chart, less vertical and more horizontal and fluid. An indispensable change to face a VUCA world (characterized, according to the acronym, by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). The leadership style and technology will also change, which will become more flexible and ubiquitous.

4.    HR Analytics: One of the 2021 trends that appear most in the articles analyzed is the consecration of HR Analytics as a tool to improve the quality of work. The statistics obtained that are tracked will become increasingly sophisticated and will be managed by an internal team rather than outsourcing them. And it is no coincidence that, according to a study conducted by LinkedIn , more and more human resources professionals include People Analytics among their competencies. 

5.    Between experience and engagement:  Whether they call it Employee Experience or if they refer to the concept as Engagement, in 2021 the best companies will guarantee detailed care of all points of contact between the employee and the company. They will do so through career path plans, wellness programs, diversity recognition and reward systems, as well as interactive, easy-to-use, and transparent HRMS software. This attention to employees will be rewarded with greater retention and improved employer branding.

6.    Professional recycling: To cope with the rapid changes that the world of work is going through caused by digitization, it will be necessary to update or, sometimes, completely modify the skills of workers so that they do not become obsolete. New technologies and the possibility of offering digital training content on mobile devices will be of great help.

7.    Global work teams: Globalization and modern digital collaboration tools will allow companies to recruit talent from anywhere in the world. That means the HR department has to attract and manage a deeply heterogeneous workforce, developing new strategies and processes. And it is that not only the workplace will change, but also the schedules, the type of contract or the nature of the collaborative relationship, where issues such as commitment, compensation, leadership, etc. come into play.

8.    Augmented reality and virtual reality: Virtual reality and augmented reality will have even more space in 2021 and not only in training matters. Onboarding and internal communication will also be some of the possible new uses. 

9.    Employee welfare:  The wellness programs offered by companies to their employees will be increasingly rich and articulated and may also include psychological assistance.

10.  Employer Branding: Although it is true that worldwide in 2021 we tend to take employer branding for granted, in southern Europe it is still a fairly marked trend in the field of human resources. The HR department must collaborate with the marketing department in designing campaigns that promote the brand also from the employer's point of view.

11.  Dialogue between generations: In 2021, in many offices 5 generations of workers will coexist, with millennia’s representing the highest percentage and with a generation Z whose presence will increase rapidly. One of the most difficult tasks for the HR department will be bringing together people with very different mindsets, customs — and contracts — and expectations.

12.  New immediate and transparent internal communication tools: E-mail chains and other traditional communication tools will be replaced by more agile, direct and real-time tools. Some companies will decide to use social networks and famous applications such as WhatsApp internally, while others will use special software such as Slack.

13.  Outsourcing of human resources: The internal HR team will be smaller and more specialized, while many activities will be outsourced to external companies.

14.  Chatbots for HR: After the experimentation linked mainly to recruitment, Chatbots will also be tested for employee management, starting with onboarding. 

15.  Corporate environmental responsibility: Companies will focus more and more on environmental issues and it will be the task of the HR department to stimulate staff awareness of these issues, for example by encouraging recycling or eliminating disposable plastics from the office. Companies will not only think about the benefits, but also about their role in society, the environment and the local context.

16.  Gamification: After having been applied mainly in recruitment, although without becoming a generalized phenomenon, in 2021 the logic of Gamification will also be adopted in training, internal communication and competency mapping.

17.  Gig economy: The growth of this phenomenon will continue in 2021. Companies will have fewer and fewer employees and will increasingly need to integrate external figures into their processes.

18.  Team development: Management and HR managers will focus more on developing teams capable of working efficiently and in a coordinated manner than on individual individuals.


10 Cloud HRMS Software for Companies


10 Cloud HRMS Software for Companies

It is increasingly common for personnel management functions to be performed with the help of human resources software in the cloud. 

More so if one takes into account the disruption that companies are experiencing with the adoption of teleworking models and the redesign of processes and strategies to adjust to the new reality of work. This reality put the focus on the HR department

Human talent professionals have been at the center of these changes helping to prepare their companies for new challenges and for this it has been key to learn to capitalize on technology to the maximum through software that facilitates their work. But what does HRMS software do

What is a human resources management software

Basically, it is a computer program created to automate and optimize operational processes related to personnel management. These solutions support the various tasks related to the workforce of a company, making them easier and faster to do

There are several types of HRMS software. Some focused on covering the tasks of a single process such as recruitment, and others that allow integrating more functions to obtain a global panorama of what is happening with performance , engagement and staff development . 

Benefits of having a personnel management software

The use of human resources technology is not only advantageous for those responsible for managing the processes, but also for managers and staff by having programs created for them.  But more importantly, it helps HR meet changing business needs and influence its most important capital - its people. Deploying technology helps people stay productive and creates a work experience that takes care of their well-being.

Other benefits of using these systems for human capital analysts and managers are that: 

·         Help boost motivation and productivity 

·         They allow to have greater control over the processes

·         They reduce the burden of operational tasks in HR areas.

·         Increase information security 

·         Facilitates strategic decision making 

With the above, we are not trying to say that software is going to be a magic tool that by itself will solve problems from one moment to the next.

According to KPMG, to use software successfully requires the integration of technology, people and processes. So it is a global process throughout the company. But we'll talk about this later after reviewing some of the most prominent cloud tools for human resources.

10 Types of HRMS software for human capital management

As we said above, there are numerous technological solutions on the market to cover the various functions of the HR area. The most important thing is that you review what are the problems or gaps that you want to solve or the human management tasks to optimize. To give you a more complete picture, we have grouped the most frequent HRMS software into the following groups: 

·         Performance Software 

·         Employee Engagement Software 

·         Teleworking Software 

·         Development Software 

Performance management | HRMS software 

1.    Competency assessment (90, 180 or 360 °)

Assessing competencies is a process in which a person receives feedback from their supervisors, colleagues, or any interested party. This allows HR to see the strengths and skill gaps of staff and make decisions that add value to the business.  With competency software, the implementation of various evaluation models is facilitated, including those that measure by behavior. Decision-making is also improved by having reports that show where the best talent is and in which areas training is needed. A good alternative to make 360 ​​° evaluations.

2.    Goal Assessment (KPIs)

It is well known that management monitors the level of performance of its main indicators to determine if it is moving in the right direction to achieve results. Consequently, as it grows, it becomes necessary to keep track through a digital system. Thanks to an HR program to measure KPIs, team managers can be allowed to manage goals and facilitate staff follow-ups. Indeed, management can easily tell if the performance indicators were met. 

3.    9-Box Matrix 

A 9-Box matrix is a grid where personnel are placed based on their performance and potential. Variables obtained from the results of previous evaluations.  With this information you can have a global vision of the workforce you have. Helping leaders in the construction of development plans aimed at closing those gaps and allowing them in turn to identify hidden talents or potential candidates for succession plans. 

Employee Engagement | HRMS Software 

4.    Work environment surveys 

The organizational climate in a company is decisive so that employees can do their jobs at ease and with the best disposition. Especially when they are working from home or getting ready to go back to the office on revival.  With these surveys, the company obtains data and statistics on the aspects that concern the staff in relation to their well-being, the work environment or the relationships within their team. A program to measure the organizational climate gives you results in real time and also guarantees the anonymity of the responses. 

5.    Recognition software 

For some time now, area leaders have been hearing about the importance of valuing the efforts and achievements of their staff, as employees go the extra mile and are more innovative.  Simple to use and transparent recognition software will allow medals linked to a scoring system to be sent. In the event that a company cannot afford these solutions, it can choose to create a recognition plan with free or low-cost measurements. 

6.    NOM-035 software 

This is a tool only for companies in Mexico. It is software that facilitates the execution of psychosocial risk assessments that the NOM-035 STPS standard requires from companies.  With a platform, it is easier to implement the legislation and make the process traceability. In other countries there are these same evaluations and those in charge of doing them can carry them out in this type of system. 

Remote work management 

7.    Teleworking software 

With staff still working from home, it is important to have a tool that allows you to: agree on activities, deadlines and review the percentage of completion of assigned tasks clearly and easily. 

In such a way that collaboration between managers and staff can be coordinated. With home office software, work can be centralized in one place so teams can coordinate tasks. 

8.    Feedback Software

According to Gallup, those employees who communicate regularly with their leaders are 3 times more engaged than those who do not. For this reason, it is necessary that you be able to give feedback immediately.  If you ask managers and executives about the times they have given feedback to their teams, they will say that they do not have time or that it is not a practice they are used to. For those leaders, HR can help facilitate those conversations with feedback software.

Staff development | HRMS software 

9.    Software to create Individual Development Plans (PID) 

As part of the employee development process, the task of HR professionals is to help them boost their career to have a better professional profile.  To close this gap, PIDs can be developed with specific activities that managers can follow up with technological tools that simplify the process and in which people can be helped to guide their careers.

10.  Succession planning software 

Succession plans are the best alternative to anticipate the replacement of key positions in the company. Ensuring that employees will be better prepared to occupy positions that are fundamental to the operation of the business. In other words, succession planning software enables you to create a blueprint that identifies and develops employees with the necessary competencies to fill critical positions in the future. This is how you anticipate these personnel changes. 

11. OKR software 

At Acsendo we are sure of the impact that the use of agile methodologies has caused in human resources. As a result of this, companies have moved towards a much more flexible strategy and can respond more fluently to team requests.  Hand in hand with the agile transition, methodologies such as OKR must also be implemented to facilitate strategy alignment. That is why we have added this extra tool to the list. The process of adapting the recognized methodology used by Google will be much easier with a digital human resources system. 

Necessity of a Secure Data Wipe

  Necessity of a Secure Data Wipe According to projections from  The Radicati Group , in 2021 we will be sending 320,000 million emails pe...